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Service Areas

Collectively with our execution partners we can draw on more than seventy five years of experience in delivering successful clinical development projects

Collectively with our execution partners we can draw on more than seventy five years of experience in delivering successful clinical development projects


We can deliver a full-service offering from protocol design through data management, clinical and bio-analytical procedures as well as statistical analysis and reporting. Our clients have the option of tailoring any portfolio of the full-service offering that they desire, and we work closely with them to achieve an optimal service package.

Collectively with our execution partners we can draw on more than seventy five years of experience in delivering successful clinical development projects

Medical Writing
  • Synopsis and Protocol Development
  • ICF Development
  • Clinical Source Development
  • Study Reports
Regulatory Support
  • NRA Application and Management
Clinical Execution
  • PI and Clinical Team Oversight
  • Patient Processing
    • Recruitment, Screening, Informed-Consent, Clinical Procedures
    • Source and EDC System Data Capture
Laboratory Procedures
  • Bioanalytical Procedures
  • Clinical Pathology Procedures
Data Management
  • Database Development
  • Statistical Analysis
  • EDC System Development
  • Source Data Archiving
Site Monitoring & Audit
  • CRO Services